Monday 6 March 2017

Produciton- Shoot Two- intro sequence.

I managed to finish the shoot for Fidelity by travelling to Ilkley Moors to shoot the opening of my sequence as Jason drives over the hills to reach the abandoned factory.

For this shoot  I decided to wake up at 7:00am to shoot the sequence to catch the roads at a quiet time and hopefully encounter an interesting morning mist as I had checked the weather the night before and mist was predicted which I found would be perfect for the look I aimed for. Unfortunately we went up a bit too high for the mist to have impact however it created a very industrial looking smog in the valley which I found gave a very impactful look to the image. To shoot the sequence we took the car onto the moors and I would walk off to find the shot and then signal the car to be driven past. I has planned to just shoot as much as possible so I had a lot of flexibility when editing in post as I found shooting purely from the storyboard during the execution scene left some gaps where a shot was missing however if I could manage to capture a large variety of shots it would ensure no gaps would be left.

In the video above I wanted to see how I could fade in the footage from my idents as I wanted the car to be introduced very abruptly giving an instant adrenaline filled opening. I sped up the shots slightly also to enhance the speed making the car seem as if it was going at a faster speed. I used a fluid head tripod with the microphone mounted to my camera this time so I could capture a more distant sound of the car as most of the shots were establishing. I focused on adding sound before visuals also which helped to add a more abrupt feel to the sequence.

I wanted sound to be a very dominant element to the opening contrasting the peaceful countryside with a roaring engine sound complimented by a rock soundtrack to really project the characters personality through his driving and create an atmosphere surrounding this.

Overall I found this shoot to be a huge success which will hopefully add to the production value of my film and further help accentuate mood.

Next Steps: work on how to transition from the scene on the hills to the more tense feeling abandoned factory confrontation scene. also try to craft a soundtrack to help enhance the mood and increase tension adding more of an emotion.

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