Thursday 17 November 2016

Opening idea 3- Clockwork

Film Opening Idea 3

Title: Clockwork

Genre: Horror

Synopsis: B-roll shots in the woods (menston) silent foliage creates suspense, have distant police sirens to create an sinister tone to the opening. Have a man walking his dog alone in the misty woods, early morning sun rising, Dog walks over a patch of soil. Look down shot on day walking over soil. Suddenly a glowing object appears within the soil, like an amulet. Shot of man walking out the woods and closing the gate with his dog. Cut back to glowing object close up, wind blowing violently. Montage of teenage mountain bikers riding round the woods.  Suddenly 2 mountain bikers come riding down the track one of them directly rides over the amulet which causes his front wheel bolt to fall off, he hits a near by jump and his bike falls to pieces leading to his death and one of his spokes to fly off and go through his friends leg leaving them both to bleed out. Cut to present day title. Same dog walker walking through close up of dog sniffing amulet but being dragged off by the owner. Push in on the amulet in the soil. Then suddenly a childs hand reaches and grabs it, as soon as he grabs it cut to black screen sound only of his mum telling him to "keep walking your holding us all up". Cut to title screen.

Locations: Esholt Woods/ highroyds woods.

Strengths. Little props needed, film is set mainly in present day and can be shot during the day. The concept is simple yet will create a lot of narrative enigma.

Weaknesses: Story line must be executed well in order for the story to be prominent. Must indicate passing of time maybe with colour. Use of titles will need to use impactful text maybe from 3rd party source.

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