Thursday 10 November 2016

Interim report feedback

Interim Report- feedback

You have made a very strong start to the course and I am very impressed with your attitude, ability and desire to do well. Very well done. Your existing knowledge of filmmaking is evident and lifts your work to a very high level even at this early stage of the course. You are currently working at a mid Excellent level (A); in order to ensure your work falls comfortably within your targeted A grade, you should do the following going forward:
Now that we are approaching production, I would recommend that you start blogging more regularly on everything that you are doing on the course. This could start with your swede; write a blog (or do a vlog) on your contribution to the production and what your challenges/difficulties were in achieving your swede.
Keep it up! You are on target and I’m looking forward to seeing you work on your film opening.


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