Wednesday 9 November 2016

Film opening idea 1- Reaction

Film Opening idea 1

Title: Reaction

Genre: Action

Plot: Team in aircraft hanger/ barn. Packing and loading up equipment for an assassination of an enemy gang leader. The opening consists of shots transitioning from the team packing up, ski masks on no showing of face, Dashing from hanger to helicopter with spinning rotors ready to take off. Use of shaky camera in this bit to stimulate action. Whilst packing u and preparation scene multiple cut shots to leader of gang who has ordered the assassination. Do not reveal his face, he is in a meeting with a member of the other gang who is unaware of the immanent attack. These shots should be over the shoulder shots not revealing the face of the leader of the attacking gang. He is high up in a building in a very clean office. As the team take off in the helicopter and are transported to a rooftop where they will take the sniper shot of the opposing gang boss. We get a shot under the table of the boss who is ordering the hit holding a gun under the table. The cuts become quicker between the 2 killings about to take place. then we get a longer close up shot of the hit calling boss eyes, extreme close up then a gun sound. Cut to wide shot of dead gang member, pull focus to hit calling boss who walks over to his computer to reveal footage from a head cam of one of the hit men dragging the boss body away (gopro shot). Plot twist, the body dragging away is suddenly revealed to be a manikin then we zoom to POV shot of one of the hit men who looks at the real mafia boss, targeted boss then exclaims "you're next" then lunges a pistol towards the hit man who is peppered by bullets from POV and falls to the floor. Cut to title sequence.

Locations: abandoned aircraft hanger, barn. VFX insert helicopter in after effects using motion tracking or Laurence Tomlinson's (family friends) helicopter. Highrise office block, family friends small office in Otley or get permission access to a rooftop or highrise building.

Strengths: mostly props are in my possession. Strong poignant story opening, lots of narrative enigma creates audience want for more. Access to actors possibly exterior. Lots of access to locations.

Difficulties: struggles as most shooting may have to be done in the evening, Very technical to pull off (very ambitious idea ), lots of camera equipment will be needed, I will have most.

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