Monday 12 December 2016

Fidelity Synopsis Treatment

Fidelity- The Opening

Fidelity is a film about loyalty and trust and this comes across as a main theme throughout the opening sequence.

The opening begins with car noises and a black screen as the dents play, following is a shot from an ariel perspective looking down at a fast car which is driving calmly but fast along the moor roads. This whole sequence will be set at dusk leaving just enough light for the image to be visible yet still give a gloomy and mysterious atmosphere. The car contains the resident gang boss and to accompany these driving shots there will be some low angle interior shots to create this character as in a position of power and wealth. The sequence then cuts to an abandoned factory car park where there is an SUV and 3/4 guards waiting outside it, armed with guns and dressed in formal business attire, there is also a man knelt down with a blindfold on (a hostage) who is a neighbouring gang boss. The fast car pulls into the industrial estate and the music fades to give a more verisimilitude atmosphere to the sequence. The boss steps out the car leaving the headlights on to light the scene in addition the SUV lights are on providing more light to create a low-key lit scene. The gang boss comes over to the hostage who is knelt down bends down and delivers a very proud speech/ tells a story adding information about loyalty and fidelity. with significant meaning he then turns over to one of the guards and orders him to execute the hostage, handing him a pistol. The guard looks down the the hostage and raises the gun to his head, all is quiet, close ups on the guard can be used to show his thought process and raw emotion to this task. We hear several gunshots in which the guard kills everyone around him aside from the hostage and the boss. The guard tells the boss that sometimes shortcuts have to be taken in order to move up in the criminal world then delivers a bullet to his head and 2 further shots to him as he is on the ground. The Hostage thanks the guard and they both drive off in the fast car. The SUV is left behind with bodies littered over the car park ending the sequence and introducing the title sequence which is met with a solemn soundtrack. 

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